Monday, September 3, 2012

Things You SHOULD Do before you leave college.

1. Bunk Lectures (Even if you say you wont, you will do it)
2. Repeat point 1 as many as times as u can.
3. Get suspended for a few days.
4. Go for a movie marathon.
5. Go for a marathon.
6. Take part in your college fest and other college fests.
7. Organize your college fest.
8. Go on mini trips or treks.
9. Date
10. Break up.
11. Go clubbing and go crazy.
12. Attend a party in which u only know the host. You should know at least 50 % of all the people by the end of it.
13. Get into a huge fist fight with a bunch of people.
14. Get into a foodathon. Eat your heart out.
15. Organize a house party.
16. If u fail in all your exams, clear them with awesome marks in your reattempt,like a boss.
17. Attend college.
18. Ignore 17.
19. Appear on TV for some stupid reason.
20. Make your parents proud, let the principal call them to college to complain about you.

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